Random article: Greed and how to cope with it
Setting to Forex trading, people face many hindrances preventing them from earning. One of the main hindrances in trading is greed of trader. Even if traders elaborated their own view on market and gained a rather good experience of observation of trading situations, they often do not manage to overcome greed and under such conditions accomplishing stable profitable results is a rather hard goal.
Let's consider the situation, when this impediment starts blocking:
The most frequent moment is when upon opening position and setting Take Profit, trader sees that price moves well towards it and starts shifting this Take Profit hoping to take more than planned; each moment trader's appetite goes up. In the result, upon reversal of price, he cannot close it cause remembers that a while ago profit was higher and greed starts defeating trader. More often, this trader can close earlier profitable trade by Stop Loss because of hope that price will get back to previous profit point.