The LTCEUR pair is the Litecoin cryptocurrency exchange rate in relation to the euro. On Forex, it demonstrates stable jumps in quotations, noted for the entire existence of this cryptosystem. Litecoin is considered one of the most popular decentralized cryptocurrencies after Bitcoin. It has high ratings and a fairly wide scope of application.
Litecoin is a p2p payment platform that allows you to make transfers and transactions between users. This kind of cryptographic currency is an alternative fork of Bitcoin. You can use Litecoin to exchange assets for Bitcoin and pay for various services and goods where cryptocurrency is accepted.
Initially, the token was one of the main competitors of Bitcoin, but at the moment, this comparison is not correct and relevant.
The capitalization of Litecoin on the market is about 4 billion euros. The coin appeared in 2011. Then, its creator claimed that it was an affordable alternative to Bitcoin, having an open source code and full-fledged decentralization. The blockchain is based on software identical to Bitcoin. Accordingly, the system boasts a high anonymity level and fast transaction speed.
The Litecoin cryptocurrency confidently holds on to the top hundred different ratings, competing with younger ambitious projects. It is worth noting that according to CoinMarketCap, 4 years ago, Litecoin ranked fourth in the ranking of cryptocurrencies with the highest total capitalization. As of the beginning of 2022, the rating dropped to seventh place. The LTCEUR pair is characterized by volatility and relatively smooth dynamics.