If you want to open trading account in our company, please, use this link. If you have already registered in our company, then you can open trading account in your Personal area. Information on opening new trading account will be sent to your email. You can find detailed video-instruction on opening trading account below.

If you want to open demo account in our company, please, use this link. If you have already registered in our company, then you can open demo account in your Personal area. Information on opening new demo account will be sent to your email. You can find detailed video instruction on opening demo account below.

To recover the password, send an application of the following type from your registered e-mail address to info@freshforex.com: < Full name, account number. Please recover the password for the trading account/ codeword (specify)>
Attachment to your email:
-photo of your identity proof (verified translation to English is required);
-photoID (photo of the Client holding the identification document, photo in ID should be clearly visible).
In order to minimize the risk of document rejection, please look over the requirements:
- image has to be high-quality, colored, clear and focused;
- text of document has to be clearly visible, without shadows and glares which may complicate the text understanding;
- image of required document has to be fully provided, including corners or edges of lamination and the back side of document (in case the back side is not blank and includes your personal data);
- graphics editors for image correction and processing are not allowed to use;
- on PhotoID (i.e. on the photo of yourself with your identity document in the hand) your face has to be well seen and take at least 30% of photo area.

The change of currency / type of account is impossible, but it is always possible to open a new account in the desired currency. To do this, log in to the Personal area, select «Trading conditions» > click «Open Account», fill all required fields and click on «Open Account».
Please note that you have an opportunity to open up to 9 real accounts (of any type and currency, which are offered by the company), as well as affiliate account.

You can send a request for blocking a trading account or Client area by writing an appeal through your personal account or to e-mail info@freshforex.com.

To change the phone number, send a request to info@freshforex.com from your registered e-mail address. It must be the following: "Full name, account number, old number, new number, please change phone number, because ..."
Attachment to your email:
-photo of your identity proof (verified translation to English is required);
-photoID (photo of the Client holding the identification document, photo in ID should be clearly visible);
photo of the document that proofs your address (that could be lease, bank statement, utility payment bills). Remember, it must be with your name and full address.
In order to minimize the risk of document rejection, please look over the requirements:
- image has to be high-quality, colored, clear and focused;
- text of document has to be clearly visible, without shadows and glares which may complicate the text understanding;
- image of required document has to be fully provided, including corners or edges of lamination and the back side of document (in case the back side is not blank and includes your personal data);
- graphics editors for image correction and processing are not allowed to use;
- on PhotoID (i.e. on the photo of yourself with your identity document in the hand) your face has to be well seen and take at least 30% of photo area.

Our company does not perform as a tax agent, so the client pays for himself all taxes and fees that arise when the client receives profits from trading operations without any participation of the company. That means that the client has the liability to pay taxes on his own.
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (Chapter 23 of the Tax Code, "Tax on income for individuals") tax on personal income for residents is 13%, for non-residents - 30%. In this case, it should be noted that the tax base, which can confirmed, is a bank account balance. The tax base and trading account balance are not the same thing, tax base is only the profit that a customer brings to his bank account. However, if you make a withdrawal from the trading account and transfer to a bank account a sum less than you have originally credited to the account, that means, that the balance is negative, so the object of taxation is absent, until the balance will not be positive. The tax base should be described in the tax statement, which should be served not later than April 30 of the year following after the expired tax period.

- Attractive trading conditions: narrow floating spreads and trading inside spreads, instant order execution (Market Execution), absence of pending order set limits. «Non-Dealing Desk» (NDD) trading mode is available for all traders, and at the same time, we have no minimal deposit limit and no fees for transactions.
- Prompt and attentive customer service: you do not have to talk to the half of company staff members in order to achieve a solution to your problem. All necessary information will be provided by a competent person - your personal manager. If an urgent question occurs after business hours of the company — you can always contact our round the clock (24/5) on-line support.

To change an e-mail address, send the following request to info@freshforex.com from your new e-mail: < Full name, account address, old and new e-mail address. Please change my e-mail address, because...">.
Attachment to your email:
-photo of your identity proof (verified translation to English is required);
-photoID (photo of the Client holding the identification document, photo in ID should be clearly visible);
-photo of the document that proofs your address (that could be lease, bank statement, utility payment bills). Remember, it must be with your name and full address.
In order to minimize the risk of document rejection, please look over the requirements:
- image has to be high-quality, colored, clear and focused;
- text of document has to be clearly visible, without shadows and glares which may complicate the text understanding;
- image of required document has to be fully provided, including corners or edges of lamination and the back side of document (in case the back side is not blank and includes your personal data);
- graphics editors for image correction and processing are not allowed to use;
- on PhotoID (i.e. on the photo of yourself with your identity document in the hand) your face has to be well seen and take at least 30% of photo area.

To recover trading password log in on FreshForex website. On the green upper panel place the cursor on Client Area, then choose "Trading Password Recovery" in the appeared list (in the left column). Confirm password recovery in the appeared window. Enter SMS-code that will be sent to your mobile phone. New trading password will be sent to your email address.