Welcome to the «FreshForex» support page!
We have prepared a list of frequently asked questions and answers on them. Please choose the type of question - you will see a page with a list of problematic situation and standard solutions.
• How to open a trading account?>

If you want to open trading account in our company, please, use this link. If you have already registered in our company, then you can open trading account in your Personal area. Information on opening new trading account will be sent to your email. You can find detailed video-instruction on opening trading account below.


• How to open a demo account?>

If you want to open demo account in our company, please, use this link. If you have already registered in our company, then you can open demo account in your Personal area. Information on opening new demo account will be sent to your email. You can find detailed video instruction on opening demo account below.

• How to recover code word (phone password)?>

To recover the password, send an application of the following type from your registered e-mail address to info@freshforex.com: < Full name, account number. Please recover the password for the trading account/ codeword (specify)>

Attachment to your email:
-photo of your identity proof (verified translation to English is required);
-photoID (photo of the Client holding the identification document, photo in ID should be clearly visible).

In order to minimize the risk of document rejection, please look over the requirements:
- image has to be high-quality, colored, clear and focused;
- text of document has to be clearly visible, without shadows and glares which may complicate the text understanding;
- image of required document has to be fully provided, including corners or edges of lamination and the back side of document (in case the back side is not blank and includes your personal data);
- graphics editors for image correction and processing are not allowed to use;
- on PhotoID (i.e. on the photo of yourself with your identity document in the hand) your face has to be well seen and take at least 30% of photo area.

• How many accounts can be opened by one client?>
Our clients have an opportunity to open up to 12 real accounts (of any type and currency, offered by the company), as well as an affiliate account.
• How to change the currency / type of account?>

The change of currency / type of account is impossible, but it is always possible to open a new account in the desired currency. To do this, log in to the Personal area, select «Trading conditions» > click «Open Account», fill all required fields and click on «Open Account».

Please note that you have an opportunity to open up to 9 real accounts (of any type and currency, which are offered by the company), as well as affiliate account.

• What is the partner code in registration form? Do I need to fill it?>
Partner code - This field is required, if you register through a partner. So you will be attached to the partner. If you decide to register by yourself, leave this field blank.
• How to delete my account? How to remove personal information?>
Trading account gets automatically blocked if there is no money as well as commercial and non-commercial operations on it within 3 months.

You can send a request for blocking a trading account or Client area by writing an appeal through your personal account or to e-mail info@freshforex.com.

• How can I change my phone number? I don’t have access to the old one.>

To change the phone number, send a request to info@freshforex.com from your registered e-mail address. It must be the following: "Full name, account number, old number, new number, please change phone number, because ..."

Attachment to your email:
-photo of your identity proof (verified translation to English is required);
-photoID (photo of the Client holding the identification document, photo in ID should be clearly visible); photo of the document that proofs your address (that could be lease, bank statement, utility payment bills). Remember, it must be with your name and full address.

In order to minimize the risk of document rejection, please look over the requirements:
- image has to be high-quality, colored, clear and focused;
- text of document has to be clearly visible, without shadows and glares which may complicate the text understanding;
- image of required document has to be fully provided, including corners or edges of lamination and the back side of document (in case the back side is not blank and includes your personal data);
- graphics editors for image correction and processing are not allowed to use;
- on PhotoID (i.e. on the photo of yourself with your identity document in the hand) your face has to be well seen and take at least 30% of photo area.

• Does the company lend money for managing?>
No, we do not provide loans or funds in trust. In addition, the company does not act as a third party in relationship between traders and investors. All the rights and obligations should be resolved be your own.
• Does the company provide asset management services; can it help to find an investor?>
No, the company does not provide asset management services. In addition, the company is not involved in the relationship between traders and investors. You should resolve all rights and obligations between you and your investor by yourself.
• What tax will be levied on profit from the Forex market?>

Our company does not perform as a tax agent, so the client pays for himself all taxes and fees that arise when the client receives profits from trading operations without any participation of the company. That means that the client has the liability to pay taxes on his own.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (Chapter 23 of the Tax Code, "Tax on income for individuals") tax on personal income for residents is 13%, for non-residents - 30%. In this case, it should be noted that the tax base, which can confirmed, is a bank account balance. The tax base and trading account balance are not the same thing, tax base is only the profit that a customer brings to his bank account. However, if you make a withdrawal from the trading account and transfer to a bank account a sum less than you have originally credited to the account, that means, that the balance is negative, so the object of taxation is absent, until the balance will not be positive. The tax base should be described in the tax statement, which should be served not later than April 30 of the year following after the expired tax period.

• Should I be registered in tax organs as an entrepreneur?>
There is no legal necessity for registration in tax organs as an entrepreneur.
• Can a legal person enter into a contract with you?>
Unfortunately, no, «FreshForex» does not work with corporate clients.
• What is the difference between the dollar account and accounts in rubles or euros?>
The only difference is in the account currency — a reflection of the money supply, in which all non-trading and trading operations are nominated and calculated. As a result, the choice of currency depends on the preferences of each trader
• What are your advantages over other companies that provide access to the Forex market?>
Our advantages are:
  • Attractive trading conditions: narrow floating spreads and trading inside spreads, instant order execution (Market Execution), absence of pending order set limits. «Non-Dealing Desk» (NDD) trading mode is available for all traders, and at the same time, we have no minimal deposit limit and no fees for transactions. 
  • Prompt and attentive customer service: you do not have to talk to the half of company staff members in order to achieve a solution to your problem. All necessary information will be provided by a competent person - your personal manager. If an urgent question occurs after business hours of the company — you can always contact our round the clock (24/5) on-line support.
• What is the company working at?>
The «FreshForex» company provides access to trading in the international Forex currency exchange market. Our clients earn on the change of currency exchange rates.
• How to change an e-mail address if I cannot access the previous one?>

To change an e-mail address, send the following request to info@freshforex.com from your new e-mail: < Full name, account address, old and new e-mail address. Please change my e-mail address, because...">.

Attachment to your email:
-photo of your identity proof (verified translation to English is required);
-photoID (photo of the Client holding the identification document, photo in ID should be clearly visible);
-photo of the document that proofs your address (that could be lease, bank statement, utility payment bills). Remember, it must be with your name and full address.

In order to minimize the risk of document rejection, please look over the requirements:
- image has to be high-quality, colored, clear and focused;
- text of document has to be clearly visible, without shadows and glares which may complicate the text understanding;
- image of required document has to be fully provided, including corners or edges of lamination and the back side of document (in case the back side is not blank and includes your personal data);
- graphics editors for image correction and processing are not allowed to use;
- on PhotoID (i.e. on the photo of yourself with your identity document in the hand) your face has to be well seen and take at least 30% of photo area.

• How to recover password for real trading account?>

To recover trading password log in on FreshForex website. On the green upper panel place the cursor on Client Area, then choose "Trading Password Recovery" in the appeared list (in the left column). Confirm password recovery in the appeared window. Enter SMS-code that will be sent to your mobile phone. New trading password will be sent to your email address.

• What is the difference between Classic and Market Pro accounts?>

On both Classic and Market Pro accounts orders are executed under the Market Execution mode (Market version).
In this mode, the order is executed at a price that will be in the market at the time of opening or closing of that particular order. To reduce possible risks of slippage, the company has significantly reduced the time of execution (now around 0.5-1.5 seconds). At the same time, all other kinds of requests get executed faster (pending orders, order modification).

But the important feature of Market Pro accounts is that Stop Loss and Take Profit orders can be set only after opening position (this is related to the internal mechanisms of processing orders in the market performance).

In addition, the quotation accuracy in Classic accounts is 4 (2) signs after the decimal point, and in the accounts of Market Pro - 5 (3) signs. A detailed comparison of two types of accounts is presented on the site in section «trading conditions».

• The order has hit the rate that was on the chart - the position is not closed! Why the order did not work (stop loss, take profit, or a pending order)?>
The fact is that: BUY Orders open at Ask price, and close at the Bid. SELL orders open at Bid and close at the Ask. Ask = Bid ​​+ Spread, but all charts in the terminal are built just for the Bid price (Ask is not visible).

To show the line that will display the current Ask price, please click on the chart, right-click menu and go to «Properties» and then in the «General» tab set the mark on the item «Show Ask Line»

To make the line of current Ask price visible on all newly opened charts, chose «Tools» > «Charts» and check the «Show Ask Line». (if the Ask line is still not visible, it is necessary to reduce the period or scale of the chart, because the spread value is negligible in the current scale).

• The order was processed with an error, what shall I do? Where to send a claim on orders processing?>

The deadline for submitting a claim is not more than 3 calendar days after the dispute arises. Only the orders on which the technical failure has occurred are reviewed, all the orders opened further will not be revised.

Complaints are ONLY accepted in written form to the e-mail address claim@freshforex.com.

In the message body, specify the order number, date and server time when the order was opened and closed.  


Subject: Claim from the holder of account 55555

Message: 2007.06.24 at 14:22 I opened an order # 457 862, closed it 2007.06.25 at 17:44. At the moment of closing the order the market price was 247.20, but the order was closed at a price of 247.00. Please consider this situation.

• Does the company charge any fees or commissions?>
The company charges commissions only for CFD trading on corporate stocks. When dealing with currency contracts and other financial instruments no additional fees will be charged. All company fees are included into spreads and swaps.
More information about trading conditions can be found on the company's website in the section «Trading conditions».
• Do you have fixed or floating spreads?>

Currently, the company strives to provide the most favorable trading conditions and, therefore, provides floating spreads for currency instruments on Market Pro accounts and fixed spreads on Classic accounts.

Fixed spread (Fixed Spread) - implies a constant value between the sell price (Bid) and buy price (Ask). The company offers fixed spreads on all instruments on Classic accounts.

Floating Spread - means changing over time (dynamic) value between the sell price (Bid) and buy price (Ask) instrument. The company provides a floating spreads on all instruments on Market Pro account. In the section «Trading conditions» > «Forex contract specification» the range of the floating spread is presented in the context of three values: minimum, average and maximum. The company guarantees that at a time of rapid price change (after data publications, interventions etc) the amount of spread does not exceed the specified maximum value. The exception to this rule will be force majeure events specified in Section 19, «Rules of trading processing».

• Where can I find the description of trading conditions?>
Terms & conditions can be found on our website in section «trading conditions».
• Do you have cent accounts?>
Yes, the company offers cent accounts. More information here
• What is the minimal deposit limit in the company?>
There is no minimal deposit limit. Recommended sum to start trading on Classic account is 200$, on Market Pro account – 400$, on ECN account - 2000$.
• Why the order is closed without my command? Why did the company close my order? What is Stop-Out?>
Open a trading terminal, in the last column of the tab «Account History», сheck the commentary on the closed transaction (if the last column is not titled «Comment», in any area of ​​the tab by pressing the right mouse button open the context menu and click the left mouse button on the line «Comments»). If a comment has the form «so: …%/…/…», the order was canceled on the stop-out.

Stop-out – Automatic disposal of the trading server to close client positions at current prices without notifying the Customer.
Arises in the case of lack of funds to maintain active positions in the account when Margin Level is equal to or less than the Stop out level, referred to in the section «Trading conditions» on the Company's website.

The level of margin (Margin Level) - a measure of status of the account and can be calculated by the formula:
Margin Level = Equity / Margin. Such data is recorded in the comments: Margin Level / Equity / Margin.

Simply put, positions are closed forcedly when your account balance is not enough under the provision of active positions.

• How does trailing stop and advisers work? Do they work with a switched on terminal only?>
When you put trailing-stop, or any trading advisor all commands are generated by the trading platform. Therefore, the proper work of these functions requires a running trading platform and an active connection with the trading server.
• Transactions can be made through the trading platform only? Is it possible to manage a trading account by the phone?>
Clients of our company, who trade on real accounts, can make transactions and find out current quotes with the help of dealers by calling 8 800 333 88 08 free for Russia).
To access this service you should say a code word (phone password) which you typed on registration.
• Is spread charged if the trade is loss?>
Spread is a part of each trade operation and is paid immediately after opening positions. Therefore, regardless of profit or loss, the spread is charged.
• What is the swap?>

Swap - funds get written-off or credited to the Customer's account when transferring the position to the next day.

Calculation of swaps takes place on 23:59 server time. At the same time from Wednesday to Thursday swap is charged (credited) threefold.

An important feature of the swap is that it is calculated as a certain number of points to the value of one point in a position. Since for some currency pairs pip value is variable, it means that to calculate it accurately for the future is not possible, so in the Forex Contract Specification swaps are specified in points (not currency).

Thus, the calculation of the swap for the position is as follows:
А) To calculate the swap before the start of a new day, the server calculates the pip value for the position, such as «sell USD/JPY 0.20 lots». The cost of the lot is equal to = Lot * 100 000 * The dimension of the point / rate USD/JPY rate (at the time of the swap accrual) = 0.20 * 100 000 * 0.01 / 87.43 = 2,2875 USD.
B) Swap for a sell transaction on USD/JPY will be, for example -0.11 points, therefore, there will be a write-off equal to -0.11 * 2,2875 USD = -0.2516 USD, that is -0.25 USD.

In addition, please note that from Wednesday to Thursday swaps are written-off threefold.

• What is the point or pip? What is the minimal price change in the market?>

Point (Pip) is a minimal step of the price change.
Thus, for the EUR / USD pair a quote change equal to 1 point corresponds to a change of the last (fourth) sign after the decimal point.

For example, change from 1.2401 to 1.2402, or 1.2485 to 1.2486, etc. Quote change equal to 100 points is called a figure. Traditionally, for almost all currency pairs (EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / CHF, etc.), one point corresponds to the ten-thousandth of a quote, that is 0.0001, and only for USD / JPY course and cross-courses with Japanese yen - a hundredth which is 0.01.

Please note that today the exact quotation up to 5th sign after decimal point is widely distributed, for example, when the quotation looks like 1.24849 for EUR / USD, or 89,948 on the USD / JPY. Obviously, in this case, one point will correspond to 0.00001, or 0.001 share of a quote.

• What is the spread, why is it needed?>

There are always two prices in the market: sell price Bid and the buy price Ask. Bid is always lower than Ask. The difference between the buy and sell prices is called spread - a traditional commission for the transaction in any financial market.

Spread can be fixed (constant), and floating, changing over time.
Spread value is usually caused by the currency pair liquidity (trading activity) and internal conditions of the particular broker. In general, at any time spread value can be counted with a formula: Spread = Ask – Bid; if the Bid = 1.2484, and Ask = 1.2486, a spread in this case is 1.2486 - 1.2484 = 0.0002 or 2 points.

• What is the leverage and why is it necessary? What leverage does the company offer?>

Leverage – the ratio between the volume of positions and a guarantee for its opening.
The higher the leverage, the less amount of money is needed for the transaction. The leverage allows you to trade much more money compared to the amount that you have on the account.
Thus, the leverage of 1:100 means that to open a trading order customer must have 100 times less sum than the value of the contract.

The company provides leverage from 1:25 to 1:2000 depending on the type and size of the account balance. It is important to note that the leverage does not affect the point value, and regardless of the amount of leverage, the maximum amount of your loss cannot exceed the amount credited to the trading account.

Example: to buy 1,000 euros (0.01 lot), you need 1408.4 U.S. dollars (at an exchange rate of EUR/USD equal to 1.4084), but the leverage allows you to trade with a smaller amount. Thus, with a 1:100 leverage margin to open positions will be $ 14.08 (up to 100 times less), and with 1:500 leverage you will need $ 2.82 (up to 500 times less). The remaining funds for the transaction will be provided by the broker and its partners.

For more information about leverage, margin, volume and point cost visit the section «Trading conditions» > «Forex Contract specifications» on our website.

• What financial tools do you offer for trading?>

We currently offer a range of financial instruments.

In the accounts of «Market Pro» type:

  • Foreign exchange market: (48 currency pairs);
  • CFD (contracts for difference) on metals (gold, silver, palladium, platinum);
  • CFD Energy Futures (Oil, Gas);
  • CFD on indexes (10).

In the accounts of «Classic» type:

  • Foreign exchange market: (48 currency pairs);
  • CFD (contracts for difference) on metals (gold, silver, palladium, platinum);
  • CFD on stocks (29);
  • CFD Energy Futures (Oil, Gas);
  • CFD on indexes (10).

In the accounts of «ECN» type:

  • Foreign exchange market: (48 currency pairs);
  • CFD (contracts for difference) on metals (gold, silver, palladium, platinum);
  • CFD Energy Futures (Oil, Gas);
  • CFD on indexes (10).

For more information on available trading tools visit the topic on the website in section «Trading conditions» > «Forex contract specification»; «contract specification for CFD».

• Is spread charged for a loss-making transaction?>
Spread underlies trading and in fact it is paid right after position (trade) is opened. Therefore, no matter if trade brings profit or loss, spread is taken.
• What is the ECN-accounts?>
ECN - Electronic Communication Network (ECN) is a network which carries the Buy and Sell orders of financial instruments for retail clients, banks and brokers alike. One of main arguments for using ECN is that client orders are displayed directly to the market place without any interference from a broker.
• What are the advantages of the ECN-accounts?>
  • Trading on the interbank market
  • Spreads from 0p
  • No requotes
  • Instantaneous execution
• What are the limits concerning trade volume or number of open positions?>
Max. order size is 10 000 lots (1 bln in basic currency). More information in the section "Trading conditions".
• What is spread in ECN?>

Lowest spreads are from 0 p . More information in the section «Statistics of our work».

• What should I do if the terminal reports “connection failed” [Invalid account]?>

This error can occur for several reasons.

  • Wrong password: Caps Lock, selecting the incorrect language, a misprint. In order to avoid possible mistakes, try to copy the password from the letter, received after the registration and not enter the password manually. You can change the password to the desired later right in the terminal.
  • Invalid combination of username-password. If you have other accounts in our company, be sure that you have chosen the relevant.
  • Entering the password to the account (trading account and personal cabinet passwords are different).
  • Wrong choice of the server. When authorizing in the terminal for trading on a real account select FreshForex-Real for MetaTrader 4, and mt5.freshforex.net for MetaTrader 5.
• Why do I have "Waiting for update" message in chart windows, and currency pairs are not displayed in the list of trading instruments?>

On Market Accounts charts and instruments in the terminal should be additionally configured.
For quotes updating, right-click on the "Market Review" window and select "Show all symbols." To view the charts, at the very bottom line of the terminal, press the left mouse button on the word «Default» and select a profile «Account Market Pro».

We also remind you that to display chart, you can click on the desired currency pair, right-click and select «Chart Window».

• How to install a terminal on the Android device?>
To install the platform log in / register in Android Market. Then click «download» on page «Trading conditions» > «Trading platform» > «MetaTrader 4 for Android» or find FreshForex MT4 in the Android Market.

*For more information about the platform, check the User's Guide.

** All platforms provided by the company, can be found on page «Trading conditions» > «Trading platform».

• Why I can’t find Freshforex in MetaTrader4 for Android (MetaTrader for IPhone) list of brokers?>

To connect to the «FreshForex» trading server you need to select «Riston Capital Ltd.» in the list of brokers. After that, you connect to the server automatically.

• Why the "Order" button is not active and it’s impossible to make a transaction?>
You have connected to the server using a password of investor; the solution is to reconnect using a trading password.
• Why Buy and Sell buttons are not active?>
Make sure that you have the correct lot size in the "Volume" field. This volume cannot be less than 0.01 and more than 20.00 (for Classic accounts) and 100.00 (for Market Pro accounts), and the decimal part should be separated by a point, not a comma.
• How to change your trading password (or investor's password) to a real trading account?>

To change my trading or investor’s password (used to log in the client platform) you should open «Tools» menu -> «Settings», then in the new window click on the first tab «Server» choose the «Change» button, enter the current account name and a new password, then click «OK». Passwords must contain more than 5 characters: letters and at least one numeral.
To change your investor’s password it’s enough to know the main (trading) account password.

• What should I do if the terminal reports about an error “connection failed”? How to check the quality of the connection with the MT server?>

1. If you run a terminal for the first time or installed some new antivirus software on your computer, make sure that Windows Firewall or anti-virus software are not blocking the Internet access for applications «terminal.exe» or connections to servers real.freshforex.net and demo.freshforex.net.

2. Check the internet connection, try to go to any web site using a browser (preferably the one that you do not visit too often), for example, it may be:
If web sites load very slowly or do not load at all, then you have connection problems. Try to fix them by yourself or through your ISP's technical support.

3. Try to go on a demo account, or open a new demo account. To do this, press «File» menu, choose «Open Account».

4. If you have failed to open a demo account, check the availability of our servers by using the ping. To do this, go to «Start» menu and select «Run...»(press Win+R). In the appeared window, type cmd and click «OK». A black box will appear, you have to type a command to test the connection to the real server: ping real.freshforex.net or if you need to test connection with demo server: demo.freshforex.net.
A black box will appear, you have to type a command to test the connection to the real server.
After some time, there will be displayed the ping statistics and you should pay attention to the «Ping statistics for (
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0
(0% loss)
Approximate round-trip time in milliseconds:
Minimum = 63msek, Maximum = 72 ms, average = 68 ms»
The loss of more than 1 (25%) or average round-trip time of more than 500 ms. indicates that the connection with the trading server is unstable.

In that case, go to «File» menu and click «Login», in the window that appears, specify your username and password to a real account, and in «server» field manually enter real.freshforex.net:443, then click «Login».
(If you need to connect to demo, type appropriate login and password for the demo account, and in «server» field enter demo.freshforex.net:443

If these methods do not resolve your problem, you should seek further information with the help of the FreshForex customer support service.

• What should I do if it says "Trade context is busy"?>

To solve the problem simply restart the platform - close the window and reopen it.

The message "Trade context is busy" - appears in the following cases:

  • When client sends a second order without waiting for processing of previous one;
  • As a result of temporary loss of connection with the trading server;
  • Because of the conflict between manual trading and trade advisor (automatic trading systems).

In such situations, the request is queued in the client terminal and during this time while trying to make an operation you will be given the message «Trade context is busy». Restart of the terminal - the fastest and most effective way to clean up the request queue.

• Where can I download the quotes (the history of financial instruments)?>

To download the historical data, go to «Tools» > «History Center», select the desired tool and click on «Upload».

Please note that the fullness of historical data depends on the platform settings in the menu «Tools» > «Settings» > tab «Charts».
Mansion the fact that for historical testing and optimization of experts since 2000 - the value of «Maximum number of bars in history» hould not be less than 3'700'000. A number of bars that you can see in the chart window, is defined by indicators «Maximum number of bars in chart», but is always indirectly limited by your computer resources.
This can be explained by the fact that when you use several indicators and observe large amounts of data, system resources (CPU usage and the amount of free RAM) can quickly run out.

On the historical data server of «MetaQuotes Software Corp.» (The developer of the terminal) M1 time quotes of almost all currency pairs (the principal since 2000). These prices may slightly differ from those that we had, but it is negligible for the chart analysis, testing and optimization.
• How to install an Expert Advisor?>

The main and indisputable advantage of Forex Expert Advisors or robots is the ability to control the situation in the marketplace 24 hours a day.

Expert Advisors are a cross functional tool for working on the Forex market for a beginner as well as for a professional. Using an advisor, you no longer need to doubt: whether you made the right decision or whether you chose the right strategy. A robot solves all these issues. In addition, watching the calm and methodical work of an advisor, you can master your trading skills.

Learn the details on how to install an Expert Advisor below:

1. Download an Expert Advisor that you want to install in any folder. In this case, it is the EA eRSI. In the Downloads folder, you will see the file eRSI.ex4. This is the Advisor. You can also download an Advisor from the FreshForex website.

2. Go to the MetaTrader 4 platform to the menu "File" — "Open Data Folder"

3. Go to the folder "MQL4"

4. Copy the Advisor file to the folder "Experts"

5. When all the files are copied, you are at no fail required to restart the platform.

An Advisor should appear in the list of advisors in the "Navigator" sector.

6. In the menu of the platform, go to "Tools" — "Options"

7. Select the tab "Expert Advisors" and tick all the box, as shown below.

8. In the "Market Watch" panel, select the currency pair you are interested in (for example, the pair EUR/USD).

Next, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Chart Window"

9. When the chart of the currency pair is opened (that you chose), drag an Advisor from the window "Navigator" with the left mouse button on the chart.


• How to deposit to a trading account?>

You can deposit your trading account using the following methods: Electronic payment systems (electronic wallets), Bank cards, Local Depositors, Cryptocurrencies, Internet Banking, Mobile payments. All methods of depositing funds, including limitsand possible restrictions are presented on the website in section "Trading conditions" > "Deposit and Withdrawal". For more information about the size of minimal and maximal amount of withdrawals visit the "Client area" - " Account Transactions"- " Deposit and withdrawal rates". Whatever way of depositing you choose, please keep in mind the conditions of Section 5 of the Client Agreement about Non-trading operations, according to which the withdrawal can be made by the same payment method by which the deposit was made.

• How much time is needed to process the application for withdrawal?>

All requests are processed in accordance with the Regulations for non-trading operations clause 6.14: "Processing of the" Order to withdraw funds from the trading account "by the employee of the Company is carried out within 5 (five) business days."
After confirmation, the funds are transferred to the specified details in accordance with the regulations of the selected payment system. More information about the terms of transfers can be found on the company's website in the section "Trading conditions"  > "Deposit and Withdrawal".

Please note that money is withdrawn from your trading account immediately after you submit an application.

• Can I transfer money from one account to another?>
Ability to transfer funds from one account to another is implemented in the personal area («Personal Area» select the account number from which you wish to withdraw the funds > «Transfer Funds»). This operation is only possible between accounts registered on the same person, regardless of the type of account. When transferring between accounts with different currencies, funds get converted at the exchange rate of the company. Exchange rates are updated daily and are available on the company's website in the Personal Area > «Internal exchange rates».
• Are there any restrictions on withdrawals?>

Each payment system has restrictions on the amount of funds withdrawal. You can familiarize yourself with the limits of the payment systems presented by our Company in the instructions for each method in the Trading Conditions section -> Deposit and withdrawal.

• What are restrictions on deposit?>
Each payment system has restrictions on the amount of funds deposit. You can familiarize yourself with the limits of the payment systems presented by our Company in the instructions for each method in the section Trading Conditions -> Deposit and withdrawal.
• Is withdrawal possible if I have active trades on?>
Withdrawal of funds from the trading account, on which there are active trading positions is possible entirely within the free margin on the account, but not over the account balance at the time of creating application. If the withdrawal sum (including commissions, fees and other costs) exceeds the specified size, the Company reserves the right to reject such order.
• Is it possible to make an application for withdrawal in the trading platform?>
The creation of applications for withdrawal is only possible in the Personal Area.
• What can be the reason for a refusal to withdraw the profit?>
The reasons for the refusal to withdraw the profit can be:
1. Violation of the terms of the «Client Agreement» (including attachments);
2. Trading account is opened and used for laundering of money funds, obtained illegally or for financing terrorism.
• Can I cancel the application for withdrawal?>

Application for withdrawal can be canceled in the «Personal Area». In the left menu select the trading account number from which you wish to withdraw funds > «Withdrawal» > «List of withdrawal applications» (at the bottom of the page), but only if the applications has not been processed by the manager yet.

• Why it is not possible to deposit or withdraw money at the office?>
According to § 7.2.3. of the «Client Agreement» «The Company does not accept cash as a deposit and does not pay cash under any circumstances.».

Cash deposit is also possible through the «Cash points». You can find information on the company website in section «Trading conditions» > «Deposit and Withdrawal».

• Do I pay fees for the deposit in my trading account?>

Each mean of depositing has its size of a fee. More detailed information can be found on the website in section Trading conditions> Deposit and Withdrawal. Take into account that our Company indemnifies up to 100% of deposit commission. More information in the section Refund of payment systems commissions.

• What currencies can I use to fund a trading account?>

You can deposit in your account in USD, EUR, RUB, UAH, KZT, IDR, MYR, PHP, VND, THB, CNY, NGN, ZAR, KES, other local currency or cryptocurrency. When you transfer funds in a currency different from your trading account currency, the transaction will be made at the Internal exchange rates. Internal exchange rates are updated daily and available for review on the company's website in section Client Area >  > Internal exchange rates.

• If I deposit using Visa, what is the CVV?>
CVV - a verification code on the back of the card (last three numbers).
• What is a 3-D Secure?>
3-D Secure - 3-D Secure - is an advanced technology that provides security of card payments in Internet. This technology was invented by Visa International under the name of Verified by Visa (VbV) o improve the security of Internet payments. MasterCard also uses this technology under the name MasterCard Secure Code (MCC).
3-D Secure can identify the authenticity of the cardholder performing the operation, and minimize the risk of the fraud with the card.
• How to get a 3-D Secure Code?>

MasterCard and Visa Credit cards, presuppose the existence of the 3D Secure code. This code can be obtained in bank (acquiring 3D Secure service), and it is possible to print passwords in self-service devices - ATMs.

Some banks offer disposable passwords - in this case, the card holder receives the code in the SMS - message on your mobile phone. However, the card holder has to be connected to mobile banking.

All information relating to your card and 3D Secure Code, you can always specify in the customer support service of your bank by calling a phone number on the back of your card.

• How much time is needed for a direct bank transfer to be credited to the account?>
The company does not have this method of replenishing a trading account. All methods and their possible limitations you can find in instructions on the Company's website in the section "Trading conditions" > "Deposit and Withdrawal".
• How to deposit in my account via WebMoney purse?>

The deposit request can be done in your Personal area, in section «Deposit».
Choose the deposit method «WebMoney» enter the sum of replenishment, then click «Deposit» and follow the instructions. Your trading account will be credited in 1-2 minutes.

• Why there was a withdrawal of a small sum when I tried to deposit via Visa/MasterCard/Maestro USD/EUR?>

Due to the verification procedure the amount of 1 to 3 USD will be blocked on your credit card (learn the exact amount of blocked funds in your Client area of the online bank or SMS). Then you’ll be automatically redirected to the card verification page where you’ll have to enter the amount of blocked funds in CENTS and select currency in which the amount was blocked. Press “Verify”. The blocked amount of funds returns to the card right after the verification. You’ll be automatically redirected to the payment system page where you have to enter the CVV number to confirm the payment.

• What is the minimum amount of insurance payouts?>

Minimum amount of insurance payouts is 250 USD/ 250 EUR / 27 500 RUB.

• What is Stop out?>

Stop Out is an automatic command of trading server to close positions at current quotes without any prior notification of Client. It occurs if there are not enough funds to maintain open positions on account and Margin level does not satisfy requirements specified for Margin Level/Stop Out in “Trading conditions” section of the Company's web-site.

• If I deposited account before Stop Out insurance activation, would the insurance be credited?>

Deposits made before promotion activation can't affect the insurance amount in accordance with a clause no.6 of the Promotion Terms.

• Is the insurance intended to support the account in time of a drawdown?>

Yes, it is. Insurance payout is credited to the “Credit” field, these funds can be fully used for trading but are not available for withdrawal and transfer to another account.

• What is the number of accounts for which the promotion can be activated?>

The promotion can be activated on unlimited number of accounts. The promotion can be enabled for Classic MT4, Classic MT5 and Market Pro MT4 accounts that are not connected to any other promotions.

• What will happen if I lose the insurance amount?>

If the balance operations amount after crediting of insurance payment is not less than 500 USD / 500 EUR / 55 000 RUB, then after the insurance event occurs the current insurance amount will be deducted and the new insurance amount will be credited.

• When can I get Stop Out insurance a second time?>

The number of insurance payouts is not limited if the promotion terms are fulfilled.

• What will happen to the bonus after 3 working days?>

Insurance payout is fully deducted from “Credit” field of trading account. If there is profit on trading account, it remains in "Balance" field. Previously opened positions won’t be closed if there’s enough funds in “Balance” field to support the open positions.

• When are the promo and bonus funds credited to my account?>

Cashback  is added automatically after the end of a trading week (on weekends). 

Bonus for Tradable Bonus 101% promotions is added automatically during 1 hour after depositing on condition that you applied for the promotion before depositing.

• What are the benefits of Cashback promotion?>

The «Cashback» promotion allows you to receive more funds for profitable positions (Scheme 1: $10 USD per profitable position) and to maximally insure your losing positions (Scheme 2: $20 USD per losing position), (Scheme 3: $5 USD for all positions). This promotion can be applied to "Classic MT4", "Classic MT5", and "Market Pro MT4" accounts that are *not* already participating in the "300% on Every Deposit" or "101% Drawdown Bonus" promotions, provided that your personal details are verified. For detailed terms and conditions, please see "Trading Conditions" > "Promotions and Bonuses" > «Cashback».

• How to change the rebate scheme for Cashback promotion?>
The scheme can be changed in the Personal Area in section Promotions and bonuses > Cashback. Changes are possible at any time during the week if there are no active positions until the charge credit (Saturday at 1:01 server time).
• Why Cashback reward has not been credited to all trading volume as per chosen reward scheme?>

Please note, only closed by client trades that fulfill the Minimum Time of Transaction (MTT) and Minimum Result of Transaction in points (MTP) terms are taken into consideration when calculating and crediting Cashback payments:

Minimum Time of Transaction (MTT) — the minimum time when a trade is on the market (the difference between Open and Close Time).

Minimum Result of Transaction in points (MTP) — the minimum profit or loss of a trade is on the market measured in points (the difference between Open and Close Price).

These parameters and their values for each account type and trading asset are fully described in Promotion terms.

Let’s look at the examples of a EURUSD trade, where:

  • • Minimum Time of Transaction (MTT) = 3 minute.
  • • Minimum Result of Transaction in points (MTP) = 5 points (0.0005).

  • 1. The order fulfills the MTT and MTP terms — the reward will be credited for this order.
  • 2. The order fulfills only MTP terms, but not MTT terms — the reward for this order won’t be credited, because the minimum time when a trade was on the market is 3 minute.
  • 3. The order fulfills the MTT terms, but not MTP terms — the reward for this order won’t be credited, because the minimum result of the EURUSD trade is 5 points.

So, you can take into consideration these terms while trading and independently recognize orders that have fulfilled the MTT and MTP terms in the trading platform, in the Account History tab.

We also remind you that reward based on the results of the week will not be credited if there are any funds withdrawal from the account, including transfers to another account.

• How to link my account to Cashback?>
To link your trading account to the promotion, log into the Client Area, select Classic account and choose "Promotions and Bonuses" > Cashback, click "activate" the account #(account number). After activating the promotion on at least one trading account, all accounts in the personal account will be automatically and permanently disabled from the Rebate service.
• If I am an Indonesian trader, which bonuses on deposit I can use?>

You can use "Drawdown bonus 101%%" promo. This bonus maintains margin and is tradable. It is added on every deposit from $200.

You can also apply for "Cashback".

• Does Drawdown bonus 101% support account margin under drawdown?>
Yes, the bonus is specially purposed to maintain account under drawdown and increase the trading volume.
• Why was my Drawdown bonus 101% reduced? I did not withdraw money.>

Please pay attention that based on the 11th clause of "Drawdown bonus 101%", "it is partially debited from the account if current amount on the account exceeds the amount on funds recorded at the moment of crediting bonus (with the account of further credits to the account)."

Partial debit of bonus from the account does not reduce profit. It means that you at any time can close your trade by saving profit. You are also free to use the bonus remains to increase trading volume. The bonus also supports account under a drawdown.

Check the Bonus Rules in the clause 11 in the "Trading conditions" - "Drawdown bonus 101%" - Detailed terms of Bonus.

• Why was the bonus deducted? (Drawdown bonus 101%)>

According to the clause 12. of Bonus Terms, the bonus is deducted from the account in the following cases: 12.1 Any withdrawal of funds from the account, including inner transfers to another account; 12.2. When the account balance turns negative and there are no open positions; 12.3 If The Offer is disconnected for the client; 12.4 After 90 calendar days starting from the date of bonus provision.

• Why can't I connect to the promotion? (Drawdown bonus 101%)>

Please note that the “Drawdown bonus 101%” promotion is available for Classic and Market Pro accounts, which are not connected to any other promotions. You can connect a promotion to only one trading accounts and it’s impossible to change the selected account to another in the future. Also, to connect the promotion, it is necessary to confirm personal data - fill out a form in the Client Area in the "Confirm data" section (https://myfreshforex.com/en/personal) and upload the necessary documents.

• How to open a partner account?>

If you want to open partner account in our company, please, use this link. If you already registered in our company, then you can open partner account in your Personal area. Information on opening new partner account will be sent to your email. You can find detailed video-instruction on opening partner account below.

• What is needed to become your partner?>

To get started in affiliate program you need to open affilitate account and then activate it. Activation of affiliate account can be done in the «Personal Area».

To activate the affiliate account, fill out the form and attach scanned pages of a document that proves your identity with a photo and registration mark. After data checking by manager (during the day) affiliate account will be activated. Then you can start working in the affiliate program.

For more information visit «Partnership» section on our website.

• What benefits does partner program give?>
  • Incomes up to $ 20 per each lot (up to 100% of the spread).
  • Your activity has a direct impact on your income. The higher the activity is, the higher is your partner status, and therefore, your profit.
  • Having a personal affiliate web-site.
  • A wide range of promotional tools for each type of partnership.
  • Interactive income calculator.
  • Easy-to-use partner personal cabinet, where you can check the full stats of attracted customers.
• I'm new to Forex and I want to become a partner, how can I do this?>
If you want to become our partner, but you have no experience in Forex trading, we recommend you to take a short course. To do this, go to the «Partnership» section and select «How to earn». After reading this you can start the study of our affiliate program.
• Why is my account blocked?>
In case when you have not attracted a single customer within 180 days from the date of opening the affiliate account, it will be blocked.
• I want to have my own web site, how much does it cost?>
We provide partner website for free. To activate an affiliate site, go to Client Area -> Instruments of promotion and choose the section Affiliate Website. Fill a short form on this page and follow the instructions.
• For how long can I use an affiliate site?>

Affiliate site is the property of «FreshForex» and is given on lease in perpetuity. The Company reserves the right to close the affiliate site in the following cases:

  1. By mutual agreement of the parties.
  2. If within 90 days partner has not attracted a single customer.
  3. If within 180 days partner has not attracted a confirmed client.
• What does the ff icon on the affiliate site mean?>
When you click on the ff icon, you are referred to FreshForex official site.
• What types of accounts can participate in affiliate program?>
Both «Classic» and «Market Pro» accounts can participate in affiliate program.
• What should I do to change my status?>
The status is assigned to a partner when he attracts the first client and is reconsidered in real time as he attracts new.
• Shall I trade in the Forex market to become a partner?>
To become a partner it is not necessary to be a trader.
• How can I get an affiliate link?>
You get affiliate (referral) link right after the activation of the affiliate account.To activate your affiliate account, go to your Personal Area and click on «Personal data». Fill the form and attach scanned pages of a document that proves your identity with a photo and registration. After the check by our manager (during the day) affiliate account will be activated.
• Is it possible to pass clients from one partner to another?>

In order not to violate the rights of partners, clients transfer between partners is not allowed.

Please note that if the client has previously transited by reference of other partner, and did not cleane cookies, he will be attached to that partner.

• When the withdrawal of a partner’s premium is available?>
The withdrawal of the partner’s premium is available if it is credited to the affiliate account.
• How to withdraw the profit from affiliate account?>

Withdrawals from affiliate account is available in the following ways: WM purse, Qiwi wallet. Please pay attention to the fact that the withdrawal on WM wallet requires the registration of wallet’s details; this procedure can be done by opening a trading account and depositing with the minimal amount ($ 1). After deposit in the trading account the wallet will be available for the withdrawal from both affiliate and the trading accounts.

You also can write on our e-mail info@freshforex.com the number of your WM purse to withdraw the profit from partner account.

• How often is partner’s reward paid?>
Reward is credited to the partner's account on the fifth date of each month according to results of the previous month. For more information about partner’s reward check our website > "Partnership" > "Conditions of the affiliate program".
• What does an attached client mean?>

Attached clients are the clients who were engaged by partner, have confirmed their personal data, funded trading account and closed at least one trade complying with MTT/MTP requirements. They effect on the partner's status in the current month. The commission for these clients is paid for trades complying with MTT/MTP requirements and is based on the partner's status accounted in the month of attachment during 3 months. The commission from 4rd month is paid according to the least status between the status of the month of attachment and the partner's status in accountable month.

• What does an unattached client mean?>

Clients, who were referred by a partner, but have not confirmed their personal details or/and have not made any trade complying with MTT/MTP requirements, are considered to be unattached clients. They are not accounted in the partner's status in the current month. The reward is paid only for trades complying with MTT/MTP requirements and is based on the partner's status in accountable month;

• How to confirm Personal Data?>

To confirm Personal Data you should fill the fields of a questionary in the «Personal Data» section and upload scanned pages of your passport (with photo and registration mark).

• How to change password to the Client Area?>

To change password to the Client Area, log in, choose "Client Area" > "Personal Data" > "Change Password", enter your old password, the new password twice and sms-code sent to your cell phone.

• How to switch between accounts in the Personal Area?>
To do that authorize on the site, enter the «Personal Area», select the account in the left menu.

You can switch between accounts using the menu in the upper left corner, clicking on the arrow next to your account number, and selecting in the list.

• I can’t upload a file in a Personal Area, what shall I do?>

Note that the size of each file must not exceed 5 MB. You can attach files in jpg, png, tiff and gif. It is possible to attach not more than 10 files.
You can also send files an e-mail on info@freshforex.com.

• What if I forgot the password to the Personal Area?>

To recover your password, click «Forgot your password» in the authorization form. Then enter your registered email address. You will receive a message with a link, clicking on which will send you another email with a new password to the Personal Area. You can change the password by your own.

• How to change my personal data?>

To change the Personal Data, please log in the Personal Area, select «Personal Data» and click on the required field (underlined by dash line) and make changes. After all click «Send data to manager». If your personal data are verified please contact your personal manager to change the required fields.

To confirm the data, please upload scans of documents or send it on the e-mail info@freshforex.com.

• What if I forgot the password to the Personal area?>

To recover your password, click «Forgot your password» in the authorization form. Then enter your registered email address. You will receive a message with a link. Follow the link and you will get another email with a new password to the Client Area. After that, you can change the password to your preferred one in the Client Area in the "Change" -> "Personal Account Password" section.

• Why I cannot log my account?>

Check whether you typed correct password or not. It's easier to make a misprint when you type it, so I advise you to copy-past a password from the letter sent to your registration e-mail. If you are sure that you’ve entered your e-mail address and password correctly, please try to use other browsers – Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome. In these browsers our website works correctly in most cases. You can also try to use “Incognito” mode. Also you can clean cookies and cache files and try to log in again. If you don’t remember the password, you can recover it. To recover your password, click «Forgot your password» in the authorization form. Then enter your registered email address. You will receive a message with a link, clicking on which you will get another email with a new password to the Personal Area. You can change the password by your own.

• Why can’t I get the sms?>

If you don’t get the sms, please inquire it several times (more than 2 times). Also you can get autoinformer call. You will get a phone call and hear a code. SMS password may not be received on the phone due to any restrictions on the side of your mobile operator or in connection with the phone settings.

• How can I get in touch with you?>

You can get in touch with us by e-mail info@freshforex.com Also you can log in your "Client Area" and on the upper green panel move the cursor to the "Client Area" section, in the menu that appears, go to the "Feedback" section. In "New Application" tab, you can leave a message to your Personal Manager. In “Live Chat” tab you can contact us too. (24/7 on Monday till Friday). Also on each page of our website at the top of the page is the and online chat and in the lower right corner there is a widget - "Ask a Question", clicking on the widget you will see all the contact details of your manager.

• What is FreshForexEasyBot, what should I do with it?>
This service is intended to make trading easier and release your decision from erroneous influence of chart. You can test trading in FreshForexEasyBot for free without registration: specially for you, a demo-account will be open automatically. For that, put "FreshForexeasydemo" in the search field of Telegram and follow hitns of Bot. Pay attention that you need to make actions to open an order: choose financial tool, volume of open position and then press button "Sell/Buy".
• Is there a limit on number of trades that can be opened in FreshForexEasyBot?>
You can open the same quantity of trades as in a regular trading platform — 500 trades. This limit is wide and will not influence on trading.
• How to exit from Telegram Bot — from Client Area or from a trading account?>
Find Telegram Bot website in the menu of your Client Area and switch access to your client area in the "off" position.
• I have deleted history by accident and cannot switch, what should I do? Bot has stopped activity and does not respond to my commands.>
Please send an application from your client area by creating a ticket and our team will help you.
• How can I open trades with any contracts? There are only 3 currency pairs available in the table of setting orders.>
Now there are only three the most popular currency pairs but we are working on development of client service. In future the number of financial tools will be expanded.
• Can Bot set pending orders?>
At the moment Bot hasn’t such an option.
• How to deposit to an account?>
Choose Menu ->Balance -> Deposit /Withdrawal in the chat
• How can I synchronize my Client Area to make all accounts available for trading?>
To enable access of FreshForexEasyBot to all your accounts, choose: Client Area – Operation with account - Telegram Bot.
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