CAD / CHF currency pair is the Canadian dollar and the Swiss franc. The basic currency here is the Canadian dollar, and the volatile is the Swiss franc. The currency of Switzerland is considered to be very stable due to the large amount of foreign capital that comes into the country. The Canadian currency is volatile due to the fact that the country is engaged in the export of its natural resources. No big surprise that currency is influenced by the external economic situation, as well as the forecasts of investors.
CAD / CHF currency pair is a high-yield / commodity pair together with a low-yield / technological currency. This pair has great reputation in carry-trade transactions, in which the dollar is growing against the franc, which remains stable. The advantage of pair is the stability and constant development of both countries in economic terms, which positively affects their currencies.
It should be highlighted that the pair depends on similar currency instruments, because the Swiss franc is directly related to the EU countries, as well as their currencies, especially the euro. On the pair there is also an influence from the American dollar. That’s why in the trading process attention should be paid not only to the internal economic indicators of countries and news of the external economy, but also to those pairs that have a direct or indirect dependence on these currencies.
Another significant dependence of the Canadian dollar is the World oil price. The higher the price of oil, the more expensive is the dollar, and vice versa. This created a direct dependence of the price of currency from the value of energy resources of the country. The volume of exports from the country is also important. The more products are sold, the better.
That trader, who is working with this pair, should also take into consideration the possibility of changing the value of the currency to the dollar exchange rate at different speed, because both of them are dependent on the dollar exchange rate, but they can react in different ways. As for the Canadian dollar, its reaction to market changes can be faster.