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Fundamental analysis is one of the most complicated and at the same time critical methods of the Forex analysis. A special emphasis in this method is put on reports made by key persons of global economic arena. One of such persons is Mario Drahgi – the European Central Bank President.

Análise Fundamental Forex

Fundamental analysis in Forex allows to analyze various messages rendered by global events. The major goal of the fundamental Forex analysis is to determine which events can influence international exchange rates. News about stock trading and large market‐makers, international exchange rates of central banks, economic policy of governments, changes in national political life as well as various rumors and expectations matter for this type of Forex analysis.

Fundamental analysis is one of the most complicated and at the same time crucial types of the live Forex analysis. Success of the Forex fundamental analysis lays in determination of a clear mutual relation between two national currencies. For that purpose, one needs to understand how relations between those two states develop, know history of currency exchange rates, be able to forecast a total result and find a relation between events seeming to be completely untied at the first sight.

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30 Dezembro 2013 - 03 Janeiro 2014

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