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Fundamental analysis is one of the most complicated and at the same time critical methods of the Forex analysis. A special emphasis in this method is put on reports made by key persons of global economic arena. One of such persons is Mario Drahgi – the European Central Bank President.

Análise Fundamental Forex

Fundamental analysis in Forex allows to analyze various messages rendered by global events. The major goal of the fundamental Forex analysis is to determine which events can influence international exchange rates. News about stock trading and large market‐makers, international exchange rates of central banks, economic policy of governments, changes in national political life as well as various rumors and expectations matter for this type of Forex analysis.

Fundamental analysis is one of the most complicated and at the same time crucial types of the live Forex analysis. Success of the Forex fundamental analysis lays in determination of a clear mutual relation between two national currencies. For that purpose, one needs to understand how relations between those two states develop, know history of currency exchange rates, be able to forecast a total result and find a relation between events seeming to be completely untied at the first sight.

14 - 18
14 - 18

 Euro   The rapid growth euro/dollar was supported by the FDS’ minutes. The Fed officials have different opinions on the state of the U.S. labor market, the inflation shall return back to the normal level of 2% in a few years, an unusually bad weather at the beginning of 2014 held back the econo

07 - 11
07 - 11

 Euro   As we remember last trading week Draghi said that if the inflation in the EU stays for a long period the European regulator may start the program of quantitative softening. The ECB left interest rates at the lowest level of 0.25 % and it does not plan to raise it in the near future. At

31 Marcha - 04
31 Marcha - 04

Euro Preliminary CPI in Spain for March showed the first case of deflation in consumer prices since 2009 (-0.2% y/y). The inflation report in Germany also showed an inflation slowdown. The preliminary index of consumer prices rose in March by 1% y/y vs. 1.2% in February, the expectations were at

24 - 28
24 - 28

Euro   The Fed decided to reduce the quantitative easing program further. The Fed noted that further reduction program will be focused not only on the U.S. labor market statistics, but also on other important economic indicators. These statements will strengthen the U.S. dollar, which has regain

17 - 21
17 - 21

Euro Perhaps, the German institute ZEW business environment will be the most interesting event for the current week. They forecast the index decrease which can negatively impact the euro, as it indicates, that Germany has less force to pull the whole monetary unit on its shoulders. Also, the ECB Pr

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