How the range of EUR / USD depends on planetary motions

To make an astrological prediction of movement of a currency pair, you need to make a natal chart of this pair. If the date of birth of a couple is unknown, then analyze the historical data of the movement of this pair, in order to determine which astrological moments affect its movement.

Consider the dependence of the main currency pairs on planetary motions.

EUR / USD. Date of birth January 1, 1999. Currency pair of the future. It has an active principle, passing into a long stage of consolidation. Then, fast movement.

Saturn is a patron, therefore, it's aspects affect the trend movement. This means that Saturn is responsible for the maximum price, and, the price starts decreasing, when the aspect changes.

Mercury is responsible for the EUR / USD pair, so when it is in aspect to other planets, there is a slight difference in movement of the currency pair. Though Mercury sets the movement on the news background for most currency pairs, and the price can move in any direction, it sets the northern movement for the EUR / USD pair.

Mars sets impulse movement. If Mars is not in aspect to Saturn and Mercury, then this is the southern direction. When Mars aspects Saturn and Mercury, the multidirectional impulse movement is expected, except the case, when these planets are in the cardinal cross. The cardinal cross means only upward movement.

Venus is responsible for creating models, so the pair is in the consolidation stage.

EUR / USD is one of the few pairs that the Moon can't have a significant impact on. At the same time, a full moon, a new moon and an eclipse reinforce aspects of the planets, responsible for the movement of this pair and, in most cases, the direction of movement reverses. If a full moon, a new moon or an eclipse does not aspect Saturn, Mercury, Mars or Venus, there will not any reaction. It is important to pay attention to the aspect. Each aspect is responsible for a certain movement. If the planet enters the conflict aspect, then the features of the planet are extinguished.

If you look at the motion cycle of the EUR / USD currency pair in terms of historical data, you can clearly see the cycle of Saturn and Venus, which is confirmed by its natal chart.

Astrological forecast of movement of a currency pair has too many nuances to be taken into account. Therefore, this type of forecasting is quite time-consuming. However, as we can use a natal chart to identify the planets that influence its movement, we can just use the cycle of these planets to predict the future changes. This will not give an accurate forecast, but it we will definitely be able to detect the possible pivot points.

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