27 June 2016
Dear Clients,
FreshForex returns the magrin requirements to normal values, which were before Brexit.
We remind that in connection with the referendum on membership of the UK in the EU, the margin requirements for all currency pairs involving the British pound (GBP), Euro (EUR) and Swiss franc (CHF) and for contracts for the European indexes (#CAC40, #DAX30, #ESTX50, #FTSE100) were increased.
Now we can say that FreshForex took absolutely right measures, due to which protected its traders from losses. It should be noted that the market response was impressive: the pound lost more than 1 500 points, the euro — about 500. We expect that over the next weeks, high market volatility will continue and provide our clients with new trading opportunities. Our clients may monitor all the significant market movements on the Forex heatmap.
According to the leading analyst of FreshForex Catherine Main, the sales of EUR/USD, GBP/USD, Brent and #FTSE100 have not finished yet. We will continue to monitor the situation on the market, and if necessary, will adjust the trading conditions for the safety of the clients.