The official currency of China is Yuan, it has CNH ticker to describe the basic monetary unit of China's currency. Recent changes made in documents by Chinese authorities have led to the emergence of supplied offshore Yuan currency markets.
Since 2010 China has been trading two different exchange rates, depending on the location. In classic trading, it's referred to as CNY, while offshore trading is called CNH. CNH was brought in after the 2010 currency reforms, as a result of which China internationalized its currency and created unlimited, freely traded currency between offshore companies.
The CNH market is growing rapidly and bit by bit, the limitations are being removed, and this creates an excellent opportunity for Forex traders. The fast growth and international recognition of Chinese currency have proved to the world that this country may have become a major player in the financial market place.
Due to constant foreign venture funding and huge volumes of international exports, the Chinese currency is becoming more and more powerful in the Forex. In addition to creating offshore Chinese currencies, clearing banks in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the United States have realized the potential for trading new globalized currencies.
The exchange rate of CNH is specified by private supply and demand for foreign currency, but the Chinese government restricts the CNH supply, so its demand usually exceeds supply. However, there is controlled volatility; the underlying costs are influenced by market economic factors. Traders should pay attention to the actions of Chinese central banks, as they have a direct impact on the Yuan exchange rate.
Main features of trading USD/CNH:
Forex traders have the opportunity to trade a pair of USD/CNH with the help of almost every broker. Just open a real account and take advantage of this currency pair by trading it on a platform provided by the chosen broker.