Online chart of the Australian Dollar to US Dollar exchange rate

At this moment the AUD/USD currency pair which consist of two dollars — Australian and American ones — is fairly quite popular among the Forex traders, besides not the last role in this popularity is playing the incredible growth of Australian economy: within the last two decades there is a real raw material boom taking place in the country. If take into account the close trade and economic relationship that are shown between the United States and Australia, then it's logical to assume that the cooperation of these two states will be continued. Respectively, this fact predetermines the AUD / USD currency pair decent place in the existing resources of traders. A significant advantage of the considered currency pair is the difference in the currencies rates. With this advantages the Australian Dollar / the U.S. Dollar pair is perfectly suited for investors who prefer to work with long positions and intend to get the maximum possible profit from rollovers. At the moment of this article writing (05/21/2019), there is an obvious bullish dynamics of the AUD / USD currency pair, which allows increasing the investment of all fans of the trading asset.


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The relatively low volatility is another feature of the AUD / USD currency pair. This is a reason why it's highly recommended to Forex traders who prefer moderately tense trading. To make the successful trades on the financial market with the AUD / USD pair, follow the schedule of the online service. It allows you to find out the current Australian dollar / US dollar rate, as well as historical prices of this trading asset that took place before. A live chart has a huge set of options and indicators which are necessary for the correct technical analysis. Don't ignore this tool — every little thing is important in the Forex, even when working with such a pair as the AUD / USD.


There is a few features of the AUD / USD currency pair, which each Forex trader who want to make money should remember:

· The currency pair analysis provides the information about how many U.S .dollars to pay for the buying of one Australian dollar.

· The number of trades with this currency pair is large — for this parameter, it is included in the top 7 asset leaders.

· A quite high liquidity level is due to the fact that the currencies of the AUD / USD pair are most often involved in financial operations.

· The price dynamics of the AUD / USD pair is significantly influenced by both the Bank of Australia and the U.S. Federal reserve system.


Exchange players alert: the most correct analytical tools

The AUD / USD currency pair allows a trader to use many time frames in trading. This currency pair is perfectly suitable for implementation of any trading strategies — both long and short-term ones. The AUD / USD chart allows a trader to individually set a considerable number of very different settings online, for example:

display type;

update time;

applied technical indicators.

Live chart updates in real time, and directly in your browser window. So you can determine the current price rate of the AUD / USD currency pair at any time.


What else you should know about the AUD/USD currency pair?

For successfully trading with the AUD (Australian Kangaroo - these are all its nicknames, but the most common is “Aussie”) is not enough to simply use the chart of prices. One of the necessary measures is to analyze the present fundamental factors, systematically analyze the central banks policies and the real situations taking place on the commodity markets. It's important to focus on the fact that the AUD/USD pair has a very good potential for making huge amounts of profits. The AUD/USD price rate is relatively constant, which makes it possible for the beginners who have just entered the financial market to work with this trading asset. And don't forget about the available online the AUD/USD chart! With its help, it wouldn't be hard to make your Forex trading much more comfortable and profitable!


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