VPS from “FreshForex”

Use VPS server of “FreshForex” and enjoy a trouble free trading with Expert Advisors from around the world! Virtual dedicated server hosting will make your work with automated trading systems smoother and more efficient:

High-speed Internet
— 24 hours a day
Access to all functions
of the trading terminal through any device
A high speed of processing
orders on any type of account

Activate free-of-charge VPS from “FreshForex” for 24 hours and make certain that its advantages work for your profit!

How to get an access to dedicated server? Learn from Youtube lessons or check the instruction:
  1. To switch to VPS, open a real trading account. Then select your account with a right-hand mouse click and choose “Register a virtual server”.
  2. You will see Virtual Hosting Wizard and click “Next”.
  3. Next window will offer you log in or register. Press “Next” button.
  4. Read the instruction and click “Next”.
  5. After you have checked all preferences, choose the best possible server and click “Further”.
  6. Choose the tariff, put the tick in front of “I agree with the rules of virtual hosting” and click “Further”.

  7. Now you can choose the data migration mode and click “Ready”.
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