Britain's housing market has slowed | 22 August 2023

22 August 2023, GBP/USD

Britain's housing market has slowed

GBPUSD trading plan:

A steep surge in interest rates has made it harder to buy a home, despite wages growing much faster than house prices over the past year, figures from major mortgage lender Halifax showed. At the start of 2020 - before increased buyer demand pushed up house prices during the COVID-19 pandemic - a similar mortgage cost 23% of an average salary. British mortgage rates have surged significantly over the past year as the Bank of England picked up the pace of rate rises interest rate rises to tackle unexpectedly stubborn inflation. Mortgage costs as a proportion of income are now comparable to those seen in 2007.

Investment idea: range 1.2725 -1.2825.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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